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The Man with the $100,000 Breasts
Michael Konik
Publisher: Broadway books (2000)
Pages: 234
ISBN: 0-7679-0445-1

The Man with the $100,000 Breasts was fun, easy reading. The opening, title chapter was pretty darned interesting, and Konik followed it up with some reasonably interesting stories about the goings-on in casinos. However, the book comes up quite a bit short in the depth department in many of the chapters. While Konik obviously did a bit of legwork to talk to various people, it's not clear he got many of them to say anything interesting. In a few cases, it seems like he would have been better off admitting that he didn't have enough for an article, and dumping the subject (or just rooting around for more stuff).

At the same time, there were a few particularly good chapters. I thought it was interesting that the guy described in the book's title claims that his surgery has been a real magnet to women. I also found it interesting to hear about some of the ways in which people have cheated the casinos, although the schemes Konik described sounded much too elaborate.

And yes, there is a picture.

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